
Need for Environment Management

Need for Environment Management

Need to study environment management is an important perspective in the current scenario. Environmental stress is becoming severe day by day. Degradation of environment poses a serious threat to humanity.

Need to study environment management is depicted in the following image.

Need for environment management

Image credits © Manoj Patil.

Environmental management need are given below.

  1. For use of resources
  2. To overcome environment and ecology crisis
  3. For sustainable development
  4. For economic need and values
  5. To reduce disasters
  6. To decide the limiting line between environment and development

Need for environmental management vis-a-vis development are follows:

1. For use of resources

Resources are limited, if we don't use them properly they will get exhausted very soon. For appropriate and reasonable use of resources, environment management is necessary. It is our basic responsibly to create an accurate coordination and equilibrium between our needs and procedure of environment.

2. To overcome environment and ecology crisis

Environment management is the need of the hour. The present development has reached a point where environment and ecology are in crucial crisis, if the same has to continue, then it will create a disastrous effect on the environment. The whole earth will be destroyed.

3. For sustainable development

Environmental management is required for development without destruction or overuse of natural resources and to reduce pollution and degradation of nature. Considering the welfare of future generations, proper decisions regarding use of environment are necessary.

4. For economic need and values

Environmental Management is required to give new directions to our economic needs and values, at the same time to maintain clean environment.

5. To reduce disasters

Environmental Management reduces the risk of disasters like flooding, forest fire, earthquakes, desertification, transport accidents, Global warming, etc. We need to explore the link between environmental system and disasters and also the synergies between man-made and natural disasters.

6. To decide the limiting line between environment and development

Environmental Management is essential to draw a line of limit for development and environment. For E.g. If our development needs to lead to global warming or depletion of the ozone layer, then we must not use the materials, and modify our way of development. We may adopt the policy of afforestation.

Thus environmental management is necessary.

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