
Functions of Nonverbal Communication, Features of Nonverbal Communication

Functions of Nonverbal Communication, Features of Nonverbal Communication

Functions of Nonverbal Communication, Features of Nonverbal Communication are given the image below.

Functions of Nonverbal Communication, Features of Nonverbal Communication

Image credits © Manoj Patil.

Functions of Nonverbal Communication, Features of Nonverbal Communication are follows.

  1. Emphasis's the Message
  2. Contradicts the Spoken Word
  3. Restates Oral Communication
  4. Regulates Communication
  5. Complements the Message

Now let's discuss each Functions of Nonverbal Communication, Features of Nonverbal Communication one by one

1. Emphasis's the Message

Nonverbal communication, many people often use gestures, expressions or signals to emphasis their message. These nonverbal signals give an extra force to the message.

2. Contradicts the Spoken Word

Nonverbal communication, In some cases the nonverbal message is stronger than the verbal message. for E.g. the nonverbal signals can communicate just opposite of what one is thinking, like a frown or a smile can reveal the true feeling of a speaker, in spite of words.

3. Restates Oral Communication

Nonverbal communication, Sometimes the gestures and the movements repeat oral message as they help in describing or explaining a point nonverbally. For E.g. using a hand while saying "good-bye".

4. Regulates Communication

Nonverbal communication, Nonverbal methods regulate communication. The right gesture and expressions indicate that a topic is over, that the subject has changed or that there is more to discuss.

5. Complements the Message

Nonverbal communication, Non verbal method's compliments verbal communication as they explain a point and help to enrich a message with extra information.

Some Important Articles on Nonverbal communication are given below.

Different Types, Forms of Nonverbal Communication

Need, Importance, Advantages of Non-Verbal Communication

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