
How to Start Green Consumption program

How to Start Green Consumption program

The best way to start a green consumption program is to organize a group to collect, analyses and distribute reliable information on the environmental impacts of products to all sectors of society.

Successful implementation of green consumption patterns must involve, co-ordinate action of not only Government and industry, but also NGOs and general public.

How to start green consumption program is depicted in the following image.

How to start green consumption program

Image credits © Manoj Patil.

Strategies for green consumption are follows:

  1. Role of Government
  2. Role of Industry / Business
  3. Role of NGOs
  4. Role of General Public

Above points highlighting Strategies for green consumption are discussed below.

1. Role of Government

Government must examine policies for improving environmental performance of industries. It must encourage the production and consumption of green products by adopting various policies and measures.

2. Role of Industry / Business

Green consumption behavior and norms must be analyzed.

Industries must adopt Green Production trends, techniques through:

  1. Green production must use an efficient amount of resources and energy.
  2. By using green production technology the product must be cleaner.
  3. Green production should be more efficient and competitive in manufacturing.
  4. Green production must improve recycling and recovery.
  5. It must be safer to storage, shipping and handling of materials.

3. Role of NGOs

NGOs must help the industries to collect, analyses and compile information on environmental performance of products for planning programmes to implement green consumption.

4. Role of General Public

Green consumption in the global community should be openly accepted. Public should accept green consumption by Modifying their lifestyles and consuming habits, whenever possible, purchasing and consuming green products. To save materials and energy uses and reducing their generation of waste at home and workplace.

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